Friday, August 22, 2008

My Goals

My goals

In this little book I have about eating right it says to set goals and reward yourself (with things other than food). This here is my list of goals and the ways I would like to reward myself. Let me know your thoughts on other ideas for rewards. How would you reward yourself? I've already been told I should use sex. I'm not ruling that out as an option, just so you know ;-)

Lose total of 3 pounds (don't want to start off to big) Buy a new pair of sunglasses
Lose total of 8 pounds Buy a new pair of shoes
Lose total of 12 pounds Get a pedicure
Lose total of 15 pounds Buy a new outfit

That's as far as I'm gonna plan out right now. I have a total goal of 100 pounds lost. Yeah, not even going to think that big right now. I'll get scared and run away otherwise.

I did not do good this week. I only did a full workout on Monday. I didn't follow any diet rules. I thought "It's my birthday week. I'm not gonna care" Well, now I do feel rather bad. I'm back on the wagon. I never reallllllly fell off. I tried to jump off the wagon but my foot got stuck and I spent the last week hanging from the wagon bumping my head on all the jagged rocks. I pulled myself in with my massive arm muscles and I'm ready to ride again. BTW-I don't have massive arm muscles. I made that part up.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up :) I love your analogies... always. It's okay to slip up once in a while. We're only human!

Okay here are my ideas for rewarding yourself:

•Have your friend Angie over and make her dinner again. That spaghetti squash was amazing! (This is not rewarding yourself with food; it is rewarding yourself with good company he he)

What? :)

Anonymous said...

Angie cracks me up and I love your analogies too. Of course you could always reward yourself with a trip to the Dolson's. Or maybe that should be a punishment if you don't do well during the week. :) Love you! (Stick with the sex! It's such a good motivator.)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA I was like, who is that anonymous comment leaver... Oh, JAMIE!!!! Listen to her. Stick with the sex.