Tuesday, August 12, 2008

You won't believe it. Or, maybe you will

Good morning!

I have my dietitian appointment Thursday afternoon. I'm telling ya', keeping a food diary is not fun. You go to eat something and then it's like 'I have to write this down. Is it worth it?' I was not supposed to change my food habits at all for the first 3 weeks but I found myself tweaking it along the way. I'm super excited about meeting the diet lady. Again, no clue what her name is. Actually I'm not even sure it's a her but we're just going to assume. I'll let you know. I am scared for one thing after I start the diet portion. I don't want people watching everything I eat. I don't want to be judged for having a cookie. Of course I want everyone to help me stay on track but I don't want ridicule for what I eat.

I doubled up my work out yesterday. I wasn't really feeling anything after I did a full work out. I was tired but not sore. I want to feel it. I want to suffer ;-) Ok, that may be extreme but you get my point. I talked to Jeff yesterday after I did my 30 minute warm-up on the treadmill. He agreed that I could step it up. I am now doing 2 sets of 10 reps on each machine. I'll do that for a week and then see if I can increase my weights. My legs are sore but my arms aren't. I wish I could feel something in them. Then I'd know that it was working.

Shelly helped me measure my body this morning. I'm not seeing a change in weight but maybe there's a change in my diameter. Maybe not but it's worth a try. Are you ready for this? I'm not. But I'm gonna tell you anyways. Most of you have seen me in a swimsuit so this won't be that much of a shock for you. For the others, please pick your chin up off the floor ;-)

Arms ~ 16.5
Bust ~ 53.5
Waist ~ 51
Hips ~ 54.25
Leg ~ 26.5


Anonymous said...

Big Boobies :)
I love ya Tracy, keep your head up, your doing a great job! And don't worry, if you wanna have a cookie, you do that, but only when you REALLY need it!

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you Tracy! You are rockin' it!! I saw you turn down that chocolate this morning and it helped me say no too!! Most of the time a few seconds of pleasure isn't worth the aftermath....sometimes it is:) but most times it's not!

Unknown said...

Just remember this: One cookie is no big deal. One box of cookies = nono. (Totally talking to myself here too, just so you know) You're doing amazing.

Sarah said...

I think it's awesome that you are already stepping up your work out!! Being sore would definitely make you feel better about everything and I'm glad you're willing to suffer a bit :)

And El Camino is low fat... right?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Shannon makes me laugh :) So no cake on Saturday, but that's okay. Who needs cake? Is beer on your list of "okay" foods....?

Yea I doubt it.

You're doing great. And you have a great support system so you're going to continue to do great, I just know it!! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to join in the support for you Tracy! Your honesty and your ability to make yourself vulnerable (measurements!!) is awesome. You really are a breath of fresh air and I'll back you all the way and then some! Rita